Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Neoconservative Specks and Planks, or Congressional Republicans 2014

(M)an: Dude! Attorney General Greg Abbott is running as the Republican candidate for Texas Governor, but always opts out of addressing his audiences on key issues, relying on surrogates instead to speak on his behalf.  

(D)ude: Man! That’s even more reason to vote for Wendy Davis for the Texas Governorship. The American national media has gone after her unkindly for addressing Gregg Abbott’s endorser Ted Nugent’s outright racist comments regarding President Obama, who Abbott prides in having sued over twenty-five times on the taxpayers’ tab that has soared to over 2.6 million dollars.

M: Dude! Ted Nugent is mainstream Republican Tea GOP, despite being called out superficially by Kentucky Senator Rand Paul for having said the following at the Las Vegas hunting and outdoors trade show just two months ago, in January: I have obviously failed to galvanize and prod, if not shame enough Americans to be ever vigilant not to let a Chicago communist-raised, communist-educated, communist-nurtured subhuman mongrel like the ACORN community organizer gangster Barack Hussein Obama to weasel his way into the top office of authority in the United States of America.

D: Man! Kentucky Senator Rand Paul’s reproach is very superficial, considering a pro-secessionist, neo-Confederate dirt bag that calls himself the Southern Avenger and dons a Confederate flag facemask is also Rand Paul’s ghostwriter from the 2010 midterms and social media director since 2012. This is what that man, by the name of Jack Hunter, had to say about his involvement with and membership in The League of The South: When I was a part of it, they were very explicit that’s not what they were about [racism and discrimination]. I was a young person, it was a fairly radical group—the same way a person on the left might be attracted in college to some left-winged radical groups.      

M: Dude! I know where Jack Hunter’s argument is going. Senator Rand Paul’s rant in The Times liberally took from the difficult work of negotiations that President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have brilliantly utilized in place of military engagements and warfronts throughout the world, and basically honked out how the United States Constitution, not President Obama and Secretary Kerry’s wisdom of goodwill to all, had prevailed and caused the steps being taken in Syria and Iran at the moment.

D: Man! Doesn’t the American Press know that tomorrow these same neoconservative specks and planks, using Kentucky Senator Rand Paul’s backwoods lingo from his opinion piece for The Times, will turn against the will of the people of this country and reinstall another Bush Dynasty militarist and engage our sons and daughters in uniform in environments that never get the opportunity to being forensically analyzed before  battalion after battalion of our precious soldiers is sent out into such arid ecosystems and broiling temperatures?

M: Dude! The House of Representatives under Speaker John Boehner is unwilling to reconsider the Congressional Republicans’ active pursuit of tearing apart as much of President Obama’s executive authority as possible. And they are methodically going about the business of Congress that the most vulnerable feel the stinging pain of the legislation that is being touted as bipartisan and becoming law through such convoluted snakes like Wisconsin Congressman Representative Paul Ryan and Ohio Congressman Representative John Boehner, the Speaker of the House who can only shed a tear for his own humble roots—actually he can shed an entire ocean if he was allowed!

D: Man! The ocean of tears Speaker of the House and Ohio Representative John Boehner would release would be just as jagged and lined with mountainous debris as his bigoted contempt for the Executive Branch. It was a very Republican Tea GOP mentality that the Malaysian Airlines chose not to spend the added money needed for the equipment that could have immediately told investigators where to being searching for the missing Boeing 777, and not taking the concerted efforts of twenty-two countries’ economies to finally bring the tragedy some closure.    

M: Dude! According to Senator Rand Paul’s shortsighted rashness in The Times, We went to war in Afghanistan because they were harboring those who attacked us on 9/11. Mr. Putin’s cohorts went to war there three decades earlier for no legitimate reason. The United States until now has resisted arming one side of the Syrian civil war – all the while the other side has been armed by Russia. The United States has used diplomatic pressure to attempt to resolve the ongoing situation with Iran – Russia has just announced a large arms sale that will escalate tensions in the region.  

D: Man! Kentucky Senator Rand Paul’s literary attempts are as ambitious as they are inadequate. I have to say that Rand Paul’s desire to write a thesis is manifest and pestilent. I overheard that Rand Paul is going to be plagiarizing once again, entitling his pestiferous reproduction with a title that will remain unnoticed by Harvard University and University of California – Berkeley stilts. The title of it is as such: The Most Frivolous Statespersons Tarnishing Principles in International Law.   

M: Dude! Mike Huckabee was given a favorable reception by Harvard’s Institute of Politics, where Huckabee is a visiting fellow, while UC Berkeley’s The Berkeley Forum gave Rand Paul a dais and, according to an article in Politico, “The Kentucky Senator drew a largely friendly reception” too.

D: Man! Apparently, Harvard University and UC Berkeley have such shallow “strict scrutiny” that they defy reason and justice.

M: Dude! Putin resigned from a career in the KGB on August 20, 1991 in favor of Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, and in opposition to the 1991 August Putsch! And when he did reengage in the by-then-defunct KGB, the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin appointed him in a successor organization, the FSB or Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

D: Man! President Putin has brought great economic growth to Russia, ironically during the time of the Clinton Administration surplus especially. When the United States is prosperous, so too are the world’s prospects. And when President Obama and Secretary Kerry speak on the behalf of our sons and daughters in uniform, you can be guaranteed that the two shall never disregard their battalions as sacrificial objects as George W. Bush and Robert M. Gates did, mentioned on page 37 in Gates’ 2014 memoir Duty: I proposed that we stop rotating officers at the battalion commander level and above in Iraq for the duration of the surge and that the State Department fill its open positions in Iraq, with involuntary assignments if necessary; both measures I thought were necessary to address the too-rapid turnover of American military officers with experience in Iraq and the insufficient number of civilians.

M: Dude! Don’t forget page 73 from Robert M. Gates’ memoir: Bush asked, “Why do people join the military if they don’t want to fight and defend the country?”    

D: Man! Yeah, if you’re as fraudulent as George W. Bush! President Putin is self-made, by the way, and can fly fighter jets, unlike George W. Bush and Mitt Romney’s fixation on costuming around as Tom Cruise from Top Gun or Erik Estrada from CHiPs.

M: Dude! Larry Wilcox, not Erik Estrada!

D: Man! Oh, yeah! Right!

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