Sunday, July 28, 2013

Man! Dude! Session #175

(M)an: Dude! Did you hear about the Lincoln Memorial being vandalized sometime in the early morning hours Friday?

(D)ude: Man! How so?

M: Dude! Someone splattered green paint on the side of Lincoln’s left leg. But, thankfully, no permanent damage was sustained.

D: Man! Talking about permanent damage, the situation in Detriot, Michigan has me rethinking the massive development of expensive condo buildings in the Fort Worth, Texas Museum District. Have you ever thought about the similarities between Detroit and Fort Worth?

M: Dude! Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan and Governor Rick Perry of Texas are collaboratively instituting a pattern of privatization and pocketing of government revenue for their own personal wealth. The grounds on which they argue their points are totally bogus and destructive of the middle and working classes: that the government programs and social safety nets do not work anymore because they are broken or torn up and, hence, unsustainable.

D: Man! The Republican Party can rename and regroup as they wish with synonyms like Tea Party Express and Groundswell, but the Republican GOP is only in the political game for personal welfare that does not settle for anymore than everything from the national and statewide budgets for gross wealth for themselves and slums for imperiled folks like US!

M: Dude! You know how many times the local banks have sent letters promising to pay my parents’ mortgage in full? It’s an old scam but utilized aggressively since the gerrymandering redistricting and the resulting stronghold of the Republican Party. You see, the banks all promise to pay the mortgage in full, but if one of my parents dies, the banks will find technicalities to intimidate and eventually repossess the house and leave my remaining parent without a proper residence.  

D: Man! What’s the difference between the United States of America and present-day Egypt? Absolutely nothing! Hosni Mubarak and Mohamed Morsi were implementing the exact same schemes as Governors Snyder and Perry are doing in states like Michigan and Texas. Did you know that Representative Kay Granger actually had government housing apartment complexes adjacent to Ridge Country Club vacated and torn down to build that  fancy gated apartment community and drilling apparatus along Westridge Avenue?

M: Dude! What is that apparatus anyways? I have seen many like it all over Fort Worth’s residential areas and cannot imagine who would allow their home to be next to a natural gas drilling apparatus, if that is what it is! Do you remember how people were told to stay away from that area for so long and warned about possible arrest if anyone were to climb up over the makeshift plastic walls barricading the patch of land to be converted to a natural gas source?

D: Man! The Republican Party, regardless of whatever moniker they choose to adopt, whether it is Tea Party Express or Groundswell, consists of such corrupt professionals that to even consider them as conscionable is like a child being duped by an illusionist’s showmanship at the circus. The Republican GOP is that entity of cold-blooded strategists who are able to pull the tablecloth from underneath the place setting without disturbing even one piece, however breakable it may be in our attempts, of that place setting. 

M: Dude! It is not entertainment to US, but these cold-blooded killers of the democratic process snicker and howl with laughter when they convene secretively in the nighttime. They talk about constitutionality, but if they were to actually read the United States Constitution they would find that they themselves have violated the sacred doctrine multiple times. The technicality on which I make my point is Article 1, Section 5 that states, “Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns, and Qualifications of its own Members, and a Majority of each shall constitute a Quorum to do Business.”

D: Man! That’s a way to interpret the Republican Underworld. But I think there is a flaw in their design nonetheless: their inability to work independently of each other. They’re too engrossed in the moneymaking prospects that arise with the likes of gangsters such as George W. Bush and Dick Cheney to really focus on anything other than wars abroad and privatization at home.

M: Dude! It doesn’t take much critical thinking skills to manufacture havoc! Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld have been doing so since overseeing the butchering of all of humanity via extending the Vietnam War and then Operation Desert Storm in the last millennium and Operation Iraqi Freedom and then war in Afghanistan in the new millennium.

D: Man! You know where else Representative Kay Granger has overseen the construction of that drilling apparatus? Along Sycamore School Road near where my parents live. Remember how there were geologists that came into my parents’ neighborhood and pretended to be measuring any significant source of minerals and natural gas underneath homes and residential streets? I think that’s the Republican Party’s strategy to engage homeowners in the process of destroying so much land for the building of that ugly and dangerous natural gas source apparatus.

M: Dude! And the Republican Party wants to intervene in Syria and Egypt!
That’s just a strategy to get the American people’s attention even more diverted from these dubious activities that the Republican-run state legislatures are engaging in locally. The Republican Party is insulting and assaulting the American Dream from all angles and then diverting attention onto erroneous manufactured scandals that cannot stand the test of common sense and end up costing taxpayer money that could have gone to funding social safety nets that protect US from these neoconservative vultures.   

D: Man! The 47% that Mitt Romney talked extensively about disparagingly in that classic undercover videotape last year makes me wonder even more about the way the United States Banks and hustlers like Romney, Snyder, and Perry are orchestrating corporate takeover of American communities. 

M: Dude! Hosni Mubarak and Mohamed Morsi were doing the same in Egypt and, like the United States Supreme Court male injustices, the Court of Law in Egypt is politically bought and even in the judiciary in Syria, Bashar al-Assad is the one in charge of the verdicts. That’s how systematically corruption dilutes justice and makes way for warlord paradises. Representative Kay Granger adamantly believes in the dead-on-arrival and ridiculous Paul Ryan Budget Plan although all of the points in the supposed budgetary proposal have not held up in the simplest measurement: the test of time.

D: Man! Socialism follows capitalism!

M: Dude! Karl Marx wrote about that long ago. However, what the GOP is doing is what Joseph Schumpeter popularly termed creative destruction in the field of economics.

D: Man! Did you know that Karl Marx died a month after Joseph Schumpeter was born?

M: Dude! Really?

D: Man! Yeah! And Schumpeter’s third wife, Elizabeth Boody, was an American who held two doctorates and assisted her husband in polishing up his concepts of  business cycles where, without innovation and entrepreneurial zest, society stagnates and rusts.

M: Dude! That’s just it! And education ought not be a privilege for a few and unemployment ought not persist or it will cause discontent that will fuel people to protest, which will create a momentum for healthy paradigm shifts as a result of the citizens voicing their concerns through collective problem-solving.

D: Man! Power to the people! Wait, how do we organize for the midterm elections? I have been teaching driving 101 to minority men and women who do not have their driver’s licenses and want to be able to vote with a valid ID and not be turned away during the midterm elections.

M: Dude! Do you need me to help?

D: Man! No, but I will be sure to enlist your help if need be.

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