Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Sahir Ludhianvi, p.475 (lamenting Creation), Hindi-Urdu translated by Alverston & Associates

Sahir Ludhianvi, p.475 (lamenting Creation)

Woman gave birth to Mankind

Mankind conferred onto Her the bordello.

Whenever wished, crushed and bruised her

Whenever wished, drove out and reproved.

Somewhere she is weighed in gold

And somewhere gets sold into bordellos.

Made to dance in the nude for rakish people of state

This is that dishonorable affair that gets divided

Amongst supposedly honorable people!

Woman gave birth to Mankind

Mankind conferred onto Her the bordello.

For men, all oppression is permitted

But for woman, even crying is censured.

Men have every right to luxury

But for woman, even life is punishment.

For men, there are many beds

But for woman, there is only one pyre.

Woman gave birth to Mankind

Mankind conferred onto Her the bordello.

The same lips that kissed them in babyhood

Mankind even traded those lips!

The breasts that fed them in babyhood

Mankind even traded those breasts!

The womb that formed them

Mankind even traded that womb!

From which body they sprouted like young shoots

Mankind even disgraced that body!

Woman gave birth to Mankind

Mankind conferred onto Her the bordello.

All immodesty of the world is nourished

In the lap of poverty!

And the path that comes out of starvation

Ends at the bordello!

When men’s lust oft forms inside a woman’s womb,

She is accursed and it is called sin!

Woman gave birth to Mankind

Mankind conferred onto Her the bordello.

Woman is the fortune of the universe

Yet still she is so unfortunate!

She gives birth to descendants of prophets

Yet still she remains the Devil’s daughter!

This is that unfortunate mother

Who had to lie on Her son’s bed!

Woman gave birth to Mankind

Mankind conferred onto Her the bordello.

Customs made by Man are considered

To be true mandates!

Woman’s burning alive on a pyre

Called sacrifice and devotion!

Gave bread in exchange for Her chastity

Even that bread was conferring of beneficence!

Woman gave birth to Mankind

Mankind conferred onto Her the bordello!

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