Sunday, March 24, 2013

Man! Dude! Session #136

(D)ude: Man! Patti Blagojevich and her teenage girls have suffered way too long. It is time for her husband, their dad, to return home under probationary status.

(M)an: Dude! Rod Blagojevich is still behind bars? I thought Karl Rove’s cheating and dealing in the era of the Citizens United ruling by the Supreme Court and the reexamination of the second Iraq War and its ties to deliberate misinformation on the part of the George W. Cheney-Rice-Rumsfeld presidency were far more deserving of public scrutiny and attempt at retribution through just punishment. 

D: Man! I agree! I would like to see Karl Rove and the individuals in the conglomerate known as the George W. Cheney-Rice-Rumsfeld presidency spend time behind bars for a 14-year time frame that Blagojevich was sentenced to last year.

M: Dude! Where did you get wind of Rod Blagojevich’s prison term?

D: Man! Rod Blagojevich is behaving perfectly behind bars, even teaching a history class on the Civil War at the Colorado federal prison where he’s been running around a track in order to remain fit for his return to family life.

M: Dude! Obviously, the GOP leadership ought to be sentenced to federal prison and be given the opportunity to teach a history class about the Civil War, instead of trying to create yet another one through gerrymandering. Don’t you think gerrymandering is too deflated a term for the anti-democratic blows it defines?

D: Man! It’s pure crookedness! Could be treason, couldn’t it?

M: Dude! Grover Norquist’s congressional posse and the lobbyists that have aligned with the crookedness, including the Supreme Court in its Citizens United ruling, are far more leveled against the welfare of the constituency of the United States. It is like the people do not count, just how much a person is worth financially.

D: Man! Imagine what lives would not be under a GOP White House! They speak on behalf of the unborn, yet want to cut all the safety nets needing to be in place for the well being of the lives of the infants and children and their parents and/or guardians.

M: Dude! I honestly think that the whole premise upon which the Republican Party pushes pro-life agendas is related to crafting a hopelessness and emptiness in the lives of the disenfranchised deliberately so that suffering prevails at a certain level globally.

D: Man! If you cannot be certain about whether or not you’re going to have a meal or housing arrangements in place as an American citizen, I don’t know how you can possibly even begin to think about the mezzo and macro levels of suffering that exist. It’s like the GOP wants medical progressiveness, like disease or paralysis.

M: Dude! If the Republican Party is broadly clinical in its approach, than why does the GOP Budget make such close-minded references to small-minded cads like Californian Representative Darrell Issa and Richard Vedder of the American Enterprise Institute?

D: Man! Reading Paul Ryan’s budget, I got the sense that a system like the one Vedder supports, one in which there ought to be quote unquote different options after high school than just a college degree, may have been in place in Wisconsin when Paul Ryan was in high school, hence the completely bogusness and repetitiveness of The Path To Prosperity: A Blueprint for American Renewal.

M: Dude! Paul Ryan attended college!

D: Man! Where?

M: Dude! Miami University in Oxford, Ohio! Yeah! He was a campaign volunteer for John Boehner and introduced to the National Review by libertarian professor Richard Hart. Or is it the other way around?

D: Man! Either way, I think there is another bleak lesson in it all: Republicans have many more opportunities to advance up than their Democratic counterparts. It’s like trying to teach catch with snowballs. All the Republicans need to do is create movement and noise and not worry about the sheer absurdity, while the Democrats must define and redefine and build accountability.

M: Dude! Huh?

D: Man! Think about it!

M: Dude! I’m trying!

D: Man! Pardon me, but please do try and process this!

M: Dude! Do you want me to process that Paul Ryan could not juggle all the balls in the air when presented with intellectually progressive constructs like the ones President Obama proposed in his State of the Union Address that Marco Rubio didn’t get at all?

D: Man! That’s just it! Look at the way the GOP leaders reacted to the President’s Address! They could not even remember the list of recommendations made!

M: Dude! I get it! However, I would sometimes prefer to catch snowballs, wouldn’t you?

D: Man! The current GOP crooks cannot get away with such blatant disregard for the President of the United States!

M: Dude! It is a blatant disregard of the American electorate!

D: Man! I get a headache trying to figure out the differences in congressional districts and state senate districts. The system is deliberately set into play for people like US to become discouraged because of personal ignorance.

M: Dude! It is so terrible that we must have Congresswoman Kay Granger and then State Senator Wendy Davis.

D: Man! None of the guys at work ever voted for Texas Senators Ted Cruz and John Cornyn! In fact, the two men were not even on our radar except as befuddling embarrassments that wanted US to not even take note when Kay Bailey Hutchinson left and Cruz came in, and when Phil Graham resigned early in order for Cornyn to get preferential seniority over the competition via Governor George W. Bush.

M: Dude! What Governor Nikki Haley has done in South Carolina via Jim DeMint’s resignation and appointing Tim Scott?

D: Man! Yeah! Except, this time around Governor Nikki Haley’s choice as replacement is the African-American Scott who is a Tea Partier nevertheless, like the now-President of The Heritage Foundation’s DeMint.

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